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The English language is for different reasons quite important for the Financial Lines: Looking for high capacities, innovations as well as market leaders, you will figure that out quickly. If the innovations and highest capacities within the risk groups and product lines, which we focus our services on, came from Germany, we would be talking about „Vermögensschaden-Haftpflicht- und Kosten-Deckungen für Industriekunden (liability for financial loss and cost insurance for commercial clients)” in stead of Financial Lines.

However, it’s the US and UK market where the action is. Product names such as D&O, EPL, Fiduciary Liability/PTL, IPO and KR&E are already abbreviations, which have achieved acceptance in Germany’s market. This precisely, because the products were developed and distributed in the English language first.

The German Crime insurance also obtained many incentives from US and UK products in the middle of the 90th. As a result miscellaneous general terms and conditions were reduced to one product and improved at the same time. Only specialists with the comprehension of the leading foreign markets and knowledge of the German market were able to give comprehensive service regarding the product groups of the Financial Lines.